Investor Ad Hoc Group Participation
GNC Cross-Holder Ad Hoc Group (“AHG”), Affinion Back Stop Investor Group, Production Resources TL AHG, Forbes Energy AHG TL Group, Erickson Air Crane 2nd liens Notes AHG and DIP lender, Norske Skog 1st lien Notes AHG and competing bidder group, Affinion Ad Hoc 14% Noteholder group, DIP/Exit Lender, Dex Media (SPMD/RHD/DXW Cross Holders) Dex Exit TL, Dex-YP Tack On Acquisition Loan, AM Castle Secured Note Holder Ad Hoc Group, Ligado 1L TL AHG, Rue 21 Ad Hoc Exit TL Group, TBS Shipping Term Loan Ad Hoc group and rights offering backstop group, Memorial Production Partners Senior Notes AHG, American Gilsonite 1L Bondholder AHG, DIP and Exit TL Ameriforge Exit TL AHG, Windsor Petroleum 7.84% Ad Hoc 1st Lien bondholder group, Centrus Energy Structurally Senior Notes AHG, Cenveo Exit TL AHG, Marsico TL Ad Hoc Group, Emerald Plantation (F/K/A Sino Forest) Exit Notes and Equity, Foresight Energy Cross-Over AHG, Fuse Media Secured Notes AHG, Genzyme CVR Litigation Funding Backstop Group/Steering Committee, Mood Media Secured Noteholder Group, Republic Airways Equity Holders, Le Nature Post Reorg Litigation Trust Claim Holders, Sungard Availability TL AHG, Foamex 10 3/4% Ad Hoc 2nd lien notes group, SatMex (10 1/8% Sr sub notes), Hancock Fabrics equity committee, Wolverine Tube 10% Sr Notes Ad Hoc group.